Author: James Fenton
- Thomas Hobbes (1)
- IN: Children in Exile (1994) Poetry, British
EPIGRAPH: For as at a great distance of place, that which wee look at, appears dimme, and without distinction of the smaller parts; and as Voyces grow weak, and inarticulate: so also after great distance of time, our imagination of the Past is weak; and wee lose (for example) of Cities wee have seen, many particular streets; and of Actions, many particular Circumstances. This decaying sense, which wee would express the thing it self, (I mean fancy it selfe,) wee call Imagination , as I said before: But when we would express the decay, and signifie that the Sense is fading, old, and past, it is called Memory. So that Imagination and Memory are but one thing...
FROM: Leviathan, (1651), Book, UK
Cited by
- Peter Swanson (1)
- IN: Her Every Fear (2017) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: Every fear is a desire. Every desire is fear. The cigarettes are burning under the trees
Where the Staffordshire murderers wait for their accomplices
And victims. Every victim is an accomplice.
FROM: A Staffordshire Murderer, (1983), Poem, UK
- Viet Thanh Nguyen (1)
- IN: The Refugees (2017) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: It is not your memories which haunt you.
It is not what you have written down.
It is what you have forgotten, what you must forget.
What you must go on forgetting all your life.
FROM: A German Requiem, (1981), Poem, UK
- Philip Kerr (1)
- IN: A German Requiem (1991) Fiction, British
EPIGRAPH: It is not what they built. It is what they knocked down.
It is not the houses. It is the spaces between the houses.
It is not the streets that exist. It is the streets that no longer exist.
It is not your memories which haunt you.
It is not what you have written down.
It is what you have forgotten, what you must forget.
What you must go on forgetting all your life.
FROM: A German Requiem, (1981), Book, UK